Learn why Movement Matters!

Emotional stress, daily frustrations, and the grind of moment-to-moment decision making can take a toll on our minds, bodies and spirits. Purposeful thought combined with strategic movement can defuse the gnawing stressors of life by taking control of our own individual coping process, and finding new and improved ways to navigate the ever present choppy waters of life. This process will take back your power and establish a grounded mindset for better decision making along the way. This MOVEMENT is a collective call to ACTION, so that daily frustrations do not define your life!

Movement Matters: Action for a Deeper Connection has been exclusively designed to heighten awareness around the topic of self-discovery. 

This unique point of view captures the attention of individuals who are seeking a deeper understanding of how our intelligent centers (mind, body, spirit) interact, and how effectively they can function together when that purpose becomes a priority. 

Based on personal experience, contemplative prayer, and meditation, this unique approach was developed through Lauren's unique life experience, but contains wisdom that applies to all!

The introductory workshop provides a general overview of the mind-body connection, and how purposeful thought and movement generates creativity, growth, and positive change!

What Will I Learn?

  • General overview of the mind-body connection

  • How purposeful thought starts the process

  • What to expect in the full courses

  • Small, applicable steps to align your mind and body

Live Zoom Workshop

Coming September 28th at 7pm

Meet Your Instructor


Lauren Kolb

After spending over 20 years as a professional dancer, singer and choreographer in the performing arts industry, Lauren learned a lot about the importance of movement and coming back from set-backs with a changed mindset, a stabilized body, and a renewed sense of living. Lauren currently serves as Senior Vice President and Senior Wealth Advisor for Tompkins Community Bank and considers herself a staunch advocate for positive change. Lauren is a graduate of the Masters in Strategic Leadership Program at Roberts Wesleyan University.

Have Questions?

Email us about this course or anything else, we are here to help you!